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Saturday, May 14, 2011


The game of football is a game that is used to relinquish anger on others.  Ever since humans first walked the Earth they have wanted to be able to hit somebody without getting in trouble for it or getting hurt for sure yourself.  Football is exactly that, a controlled sport where you can run right at somebody and lay them out and not get in trouble for it (unless you do it illegally and get a penalty for it).  Football is the perfect way to relinquish all the anger that has been pent up in your body and get it out by doing just this.  The beauty of football is that you get to where padding which provides much needed protection from blows received, but the padding that the players wear can also amplify the blows given and taken.  The amplified blows are shown in all the serious injuries players may receive such as being paralyzed, tearing a ligament in your knee, or getting a severe concussion that may not affect you right now but 30 years down will cause you serious problems.  So is football a good sport to play?  It depends on how you weigh everything,  being able to release anger without getting in trouble for it is great, but the injuries sustained can limit you for the rest of your life.

Circuit boards

Circuit board they are revolutionary pieces of technology, but how do they work? The concept of circuit boards is very simple they are pretty much an assortment of wires and storage devices all converted into a simple board. Throughout these past decades we have made circuit boards smaller to develop microprocessor technology which is basically taking devices and shrinking them to a smaller size which includes making wires and various other components smaller.

Television Screen

Haven't  you ever wondered about how your television screen works? The concept is really quite simply. Inside the screen there are thousands of tiny light bulbs most commonly Light Emitting Diodes. They are placed in sets of four including two green lights, one red light, and one blue light bulb. These light bulbs work together to form your screen. You may still be wondering how your screen manages to get all of these different  colors. When your eyes see many colors that are not so easy to distinguish your eyes tend to combine the colors forming another different color. This concept operates much in the sense of blending paints together to form a different color, only your eyes are doing the blending not the paint in itself. With the use of computers each light bulb is individually turned on or off. With all of these light bulbs producing different colors they combine to form a picture as a whole, which is what you see. You may hear people talking about picture quality and pixelations and wonder how these relate. Pixelations are the representation of the amount of light bulbs and their size that are used in the screen. If you were to go up close to a jumbo tron you would notice the individual light bulbs and how each of them is a different color. Meanwhile if you look at an LCD television you would see no bulbs this is because they are too small to be seen with the naked eye. So how do Jumbo trons retain their brilliant picture quality with such terrible pixelations? Its all in the size of the Jumbo tron since they are made to be big and viewed from quite a distance away you don't see the tiny light bulbs because you are too far away to see. So jumbo trons are just a blown up version of your regular LCD television set.

The world wide web

We have gotten to the point in history where we interact with the internet in our everyday lives. It allows us to communicate, find information, shop online, etc. But what is the internet exactly? This article will go over the basics of what the internet is. The internet was created during the cold war era when the countries feared a nuclear war. The internet is the interlinking of all the computers. With all of the computers linked together communication was easier than ever. All that needed to be done was for a message to be sent to the intended reciever computer. Soon after the internet was created web servers developed web sites which allows for information to be downloaded and uploaded through the internet. With further development of technology the internet grew into a world wide web of interlinked computers and web servers all over. Thus the internet grew into the world wide web we now know today.


The phonograph was originally invented by Thomas Edison in the mid 1870's. This time was before we had any electronics or high tech devices. The phonograph was a device invented to allow people to record music and replay the music with this device. In order to store and replay musical sounds Thomas Edison used a wax covered pipe. He then used a needle to engrave the wax. The vibrations from any sound would move the needle up and down creating different sized bumps in the wax. These bumps recorded the sound vibrations and could be replayed by running the needle across the bumps causing the needle to vibrate producing sound waves creating a replica of the original recorded sound. With this new revolutionary invention sound could be recorded and replayed any time. With further developments the wax pipe evolved into a round flat disc made not from wax but a form of soft plastic. The phonograph or record player was widely used for over a century until more high tech devices such as DVD's. So in the end we all have to thank Thomas Edison  for the original advent of recorded music, "thanks Tommy!"

What is the economy?

The ecmonomy when we think about the economy we think about money. So for a start let's go ovoer some of the basics of economy. Economy is the trade of goods between people. In today's economy we mostly use some sort of currency such as dollars, pounds,euros, etc. While the actual material we have the money printed on or pressed on may have no value whatsoever it still has value. This is because the money is backed by the faith of the people. In other words, we all see value in money such as the dollar. A dollar bill being printed on paper has virtually no value in the materials it's made with. The reason it still has value is because these bills are representative of either wanted goods or services. LEts say you go to work and get payed you see value in the money because other people do. You know that you can get some goods or services out of the money you earned. And so with this concept that money currency can be representative of goods or services we widely accept this money like it is a valueable object in itself. Our economies haven't always operated with money but with the actual goods themselves being traded for other goods. For instance an ounce of gold is traded for a stockpile of food. The trader with the gold wants the food and the trader with the food wants the gold. Both items have value because they are seen to have value as they can be traded and used. When we think about it the value of all objects is based on the supply and demand of that item such as gold. Gold being a beautiful metal is not in overly high supply but it is high in demand because just about everyone wants it as gold is in itself pretty much a currency of money. But gold cam still loose it's value. Let's say one day everyone decided to sell all of their shares of gold and no one buys any in return. Because of the high supply and low demand the gold is pretty much worth less. The same can happen with just about any other traded items. We invented money as a way to more widely trade items. If the person trading the food didn't want gold in return a trade would not be made. Money currency however has managed to solve this problem. Because we all see value in money as it can be used to gain a service or good everyone wants it's because it can be more widely traded. But just like with gold money currency can loose it's value as a whole. Let's say the united states switched to a different currency than the dollar. Then all of the dollars in existence woud be worth only the materials they are made for depending on there demand. Now the new currency has value as seen by the people not the dollar. So yes, money just like any other object in the economy can loose it's value just as another object in the economy. Another concept to cover is good economy and bad economy. Good economy is caused when money isn't held very long and as soon as it is earned it is spent and spent again. Now money can be easily come by and the economy is better as goods and services can be easily gained. If the economy however gets too good then everyone has money and then no one wants more and so the economy gets bad again because the circulation of money has greatly decrease by supply and demand. So what is bad economy caused by? The bad economy where money is in low circulation and thus money is hard to come by. In the great depression money was in low circulation no goods could be sold so no money was earned, and so starting the process over again without money in circulation nothing is bought or sold unless we find an alternative to money such as direct trading. So yes the same money we value can rip apart the economy

Friday, May 13, 2011

Discussion Forum

Bring up topics to discuss with the community.

Problems that need solving?

Do you have any problems that may need solving? If you do please feel free to post as a comment your needs. This would aid many inventors and engineers in the creation of inventions.

Alternative fuels

So with the princes of gasoline and diesel going through the roof why have we found any alternative fuels? Well there really are already alternative fuel sources such as ethanol. Just about any car engine will run on ethanol as long as the correct modifications are made so if you are looking into switching into a different fuel look for a website or blog with instructions as to how to convert your engine to run on ethanol. Be forewarned as ethanol is not widely produced and you may have to create your own home grown ethanol which may involve a license and various equipment to produce the proper ethanol. There is however other alternatives such as the air powered car which utilizes the use of compressed gas to power an engine much in the same way that a steam engine works only without steam production. A company is Australia is working to develop the technology and soon air powered cars will be in production.

We are being told lies

Have you ever looked at the food pyramid? Yes the pyramid that is commonly seen around food serving places and has a list of foods that should be in your diet. Starting with the whole grains on the largest step and sweets as smallest step at the top. This pyramid has been approved as correct and the healthiest for human bodies. This however is not true, starchy foods which according to the food pyramid are the healthiest for us humans and should we follow this pyramid we will live healthy lives. So why do we face the problem of being an overweight country the truth is that starchy foods will slow down our metabolisms causng us to gain fat. Confused??? Well don't be it only makes sense that the government wants us to be fat so that we spend money on surgeries and medicine to make us healthy again, thus stimulating the economy. There are many more lies out there if you don't believe me watch "Fat Head." we should be infuriated as we have been told by a source that we trust the complete wrong information. What elso is the government lying about? How about that ethanol is derived from food quality corn? Because really it isn't made from food quality corn. They say it is for good publicity so we keep buying gasoline from other countries at outrageous prices.
If you are really looking into loosing weight cut yours carbohydrates or carbs down to about 100 carbs per day.

Phone backgrounds

Feel free to post picture that are suitable for phone backgrounds. You may also use existing picture for your own backgrounds.