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Friday, May 13, 2011

We are being told lies

Have you ever looked at the food pyramid? Yes the pyramid that is commonly seen around food serving places and has a list of foods that should be in your diet. Starting with the whole grains on the largest step and sweets as smallest step at the top. This pyramid has been approved as correct and the healthiest for human bodies. This however is not true, starchy foods which according to the food pyramid are the healthiest for us humans and should we follow this pyramid we will live healthy lives. So why do we face the problem of being an overweight country the truth is that starchy foods will slow down our metabolisms causng us to gain fat. Confused??? Well don't be it only makes sense that the government wants us to be fat so that we spend money on surgeries and medicine to make us healthy again, thus stimulating the economy. There are many more lies out there if you don't believe me watch "Fat Head." we should be infuriated as we have been told by a source that we trust the complete wrong information. What elso is the government lying about? How about that ethanol is derived from food quality corn? Because really it isn't made from food quality corn. They say it is for good publicity so we keep buying gasoline from other countries at outrageous prices.
If you are really looking into loosing weight cut yours carbohydrates or carbs down to about 100 carbs per day.

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